♥ Wednesday, April 25, 2007
i can forsee myself not being present for a lot of lessons in future.
its only the end of 3rd day in sch. i felt like i was in sch for 3 yrs.
im super tired and i dont even have much time to rant here actually.
everything is getting tedious till i wanna cry. so serious.
im suppose to do my tutorial. its a compulsory now. if not we'll be marked absent.
new shit out from tp again lah.
when i get home im so tired of everything and if mommy ask me to do something i'll get really angry.
i have 3 8ams on tues, wed and fri.
and my tues and wed end at 7pm. my earliest ending of sch is like 4pm? wth?
so meaning on tues when i end my lesson at 7pm. i will probably only reach home at 9pm plus.
and when i finish bathing and settling down. it will alr be 11pm.
and when i pack my bag and prepare my TUTORIAL AND LABS.
it will alr be arnd 1am plus. and im suppose to wake up at 5am plus for the 8am class.
can you imagine next time i still must print more of my notes.
i think nobody uds exactly what fate im holding.
i better grasp my last sign of breathe.
its only the 3rd day. pray for me.
forget it. ranting here doesnt bring me any further.
after saying so much the fact is still not changed.
i need to do my tut now. bye.
♥ Sunday, April 22, 2007
dad collected my two new pair of specs the day before yesterday. yes this is one of it.
i saw alot of ppl with it on the tv. like wth again.
and i told samm both my specs are from japan. so maybe they have seen uchi.
im miss studious gonna be when mon comes. sch is embarking like wth.
i dont like my timetable. i dont everything related to school.
but i want to plan well ahead, so i have planned everything in my organiser.
all the assessments and percentages. hope i'll be able to focus well.
CSAD - PBL module.
what is the point of having PBL modules.
what for i pay my school fees.
what for the sch hire teachers.
dont tell me we need to learn how to be independent. excusessss.
alright. thinking of printing the tonnes of notes by tml makes my blood boil.
why cant tp be like other polys. print and bind all ready for us.
YAH BE INDEPENDENT. alright alright.
my first day of sch will only be enduring for 2 short hours, provided tuts are on. i hope i can make it through.
if theres no tutorial, should i waste my travelling time and make the trouble to go all the way to sch???
went malaysia for dinner just now. damn full.
im starting to like "fight all night - kat-tun", kazuya's first part. the weird tone seemss whoops. lol
watch junno's papa show. hes quite funny. dont mind
is bambino nice? scrolled through like so-so.
arashi's new song is nice. we can make it? unlike t&t's xdame. lol.
♥ Friday, April 20, 2007
poooor suju :'(
i shall pray for them.
god bless
anything that helps.
i really take back what i say, about kyuhyun then its okay.
when i saw the picture of the overturned van. i went omg. if it was by the antis, then damn them.
hes the unlucky 13th member.
thought it wouldnt be very serious. but end up after reading the tonnes of articles. i think his situation like damn critical lah. i hope he pull through.
ok lah. im still used to suju13. not 12.
kh, et, eh, sd.
but phew its not donghae. alright slap me.
currently feeling upset over random issues.
- my timetable sucks to the core.
- horrible timetable equates no time to play!
- my bro got his new fujitsu laptop.
- my dimwit bc dls are not moving.
- i still cannot clear mario world 2!
my timetable is really damn damn bad. and the vital thing is, they didnt allocate any cds for me! and i will need to add two more when sch reopen then. i hope there are availables for me though.
monday - 10am to 12pm
tuesday - 8am to 6pm
wednesday - 8am to 3pm
thursday - 9am to 6pm
friday - 8am to 5pm
mon - its always either the day ends too early and im practically wasting my whole time travelling to sch if not it ends bloodly hell late!
travelling time > lesson duration. if not the break times are outrageously long.
tues is a lab day lah. and it starts at a :( time. 8am
its like:
dbsy lab -> dbsy lab -> break -> break -> break -> csad lab -> csad lab -> csad lab -> ooad lab -> ooad lab
the terrible thing is, what is the 3 hours break for! 2 hours i can still tolerate lah.
3 hours = no point! maybe i'll bring my pillow to sch and slp.
wed - apel3 at 8am! den 3 hours break again. omg. den followed by 3 lectures.
i think this will probably the main cause if i skip any lectures.
thurs is like no comments too. lecture break lecture break tut is like crap pls.
fri supposingly to be the happiest day of the week but its actually the worse for me.
8am to 10am lesson ... and then
<----- 6 hours break ----->
then followed by a tut only. like wth.
but nevermind. im actually awarded $100 yesterday by mommy for shopping.
and im going to make my card soon.
and everything on my ds is pink now.
pink ds, pink landyard and pink pouch. seems cool. pink font seems cool too.
i better enjoy the last few days of my holidays before the real nightmare embarks.
oh yah! eunhyuk apologised lately too for his nonsense wrongdoings in his past. LOL. like touching girls? hahhahaa
and i ordered a bag yesterday. $$$ flying.
♥ Wednesday, April 18, 2007
my buys online recently.
- 1 top
- 2 jackets
- 1 jeans
- 1 ext harddisk
im dying to get bagsss.
went np to get my ds memory card from samm yest.
then met elva, pg and jiaying there first.
cabbed to town then walked around. went ichiban for lunch. xinmei caught up with us..
then more massive walkings.
got a pouch for my ds and a pouch for my hp.
sat down for awhile for bubble tee.
then finally settled down at coffee club. usual handout usual seats. lol.
and non-halting topics(bitchings) about hrmmm.
den cabbed home.
i would love more of such gatherings. next week pls?
jiaying you did say arab street next week right! i rmb!
oh yah. elva darling got me a hello kitty mouse. love it alot.
HAHA. damn cute lah.
then she got me the gucci wallet too. thanks..!

but i dont bear to use the mouse. i kept it after that. hahaha. maybe when i use it i will put my precious moment mousepad to use too.
going sch for semester briefing tml. i hope i can wake up in time for it though.
when is tp going to release our timetables. tortoise sch.
i think sis got me a anna sui wallet, a watch and a bag.
♥ Monday, April 16, 2007
ohno leedonghae is so getting out of hand.
only i can use. muahahahs. after reading his apology msg. i think hes so loserish.
HAHAHA but doesnt matter i will still hearts you. HAHAHA. yawns.
and i hope the removal is only a joke. hahaha.
suju's new image damn refreshing man.
like wearing 3/4 pants. cant they just add like abit of cloth more to make it into jeans?!
OH NO. samm just pointed out that the 3 are not there again.
IF NOT FOR HER REMINDER. i will have just discarded the 3 again.
the two golden boys and the china boy.
golden boys because KIM heechul and KIM kibum.
oh siwon is not bad here. haha
but when placed with dh, hes quite bad alr. HAHAHA. alright bias.
all in all, i think the new set of photos are not badddd. i like the stripes one. i nv post though. hahaha. oh what a video of yesung crying after getting hit in the eye. and kibum holding his shoulder after getting hit by a shoe thrown. hahaha. =P oops i shouldnt be reacting like this.
this is smting off my wishlist. gold-plated pink ds lite.
it cost me a bomb.
now im the poorest in the world.
probably need to walk to sch when sch reopen because i dont have money for concession.
ps: im schling in tp. LOL.
♥ Friday, April 13, 2007
met reb at ps. passed her her pay. kept walking up and down ps and finally settled down at pastamania. had pasta. sat for quite awhile, talked den walked to cine. decided to catch the reaping.
i think its quite a nonsensical movie. i really dont understand the whole story. its only the scenes are horrifying. and i think we kept giving stupid comments and that pissed the couple beside us.
reb: eh issit they throw pads in the river?
me: eh issit the fish had their menses.
alright the next movie on my waiting list will be super fans. sounds pretty interesting.
hahaha damn funny when that time reb say we might be in the movie.
well... i see pink ds lite coming my way... yipppeeeee.

♥ Wednesday, April 11, 2007
my favorite cartoon character. HAHA. mariooo des.
i wanna get wii!
so fun. can play at home all by myself and test my age. hahaha.
ryeowook owns the funniest hair now.
the wuxiong hair. or say the chinadoll ruki hair. HAHA.

HAHAHA. ROFL. probably used a bowl. his cute image is so ruined.
i want so much to cover his sexy naked forehead. hahahaha leedonghae is a uncle gonna be now.
♥ Sunday, April 08, 2007
huiyi came my house since shes not working anymore that day. then we watched some videos and transfered her stuffs. den we headed to funan to collect my pay.

Evonne Evan Yo. first saw him at the cine kbox event. were quite unhappy about the arrangements though we didnt queue yet we got to sit infront. but the prob is, we want to stand at the back, but not allowed to. LIKE WTH. why cant we stand?!
he started singing and all. and all the funny stuffs happened.
the first time i come across a kbox event where we are not allowed to video. OH BIG STAR UH.

hes a mad fan of avril lavigne. he claimed that he is her husband and all. then he says he knows her. shes straight forward etc. like WOW. overwhelming news ah. so peifen made this outrageous comment. haha read the captions on the picture. and we were like rofl. maybe i laugh till abit overboard and everybody thinks im the one who said it! and all looked at me. like wah lao. samm says ppl who know me thinks thats what i will possibly do lah.
oh no dont malign me. im a pure innocent and most imptly, a nice girl lah.
he ate at some v v v random bukit ho swee restaurant. food is damn so so i think.
he started being nice to us after his ufm interview. but i sensed hes actually quite a jian person. and his english is bad bad bad! one example is : BUGI.
i cannot rmb clearly those interactions in between. but there were smilings(laughings) here and there.
and waves. then he pointed and all. I SAW.
asked if we can take a photo. and saw his damn asshole reactions. YEA YEA. wanted to slap him and all.
then alighted at hotel. alright. xc says LOOK AT THE CAMERA NOT HIM. =.=

some atrocious outcome. then he went in and maybe read his harry potter book again.
next day was energy sight seeing day. HAHAHA. huiyi overslept. IT WAS HER FAULT. i swear! haha stop pushing the blame to me! lol.
but end up eg took ci. so we still made it and were early. self-entertained using monkey and mao di's "shit out" hahaha.
viewing mall - i helped samm gain attention! ahahaha! i swear both kunda and shuwei waved. and i swear they saw me laugh like hell. HAHAHA so probably felt tricked again.
they came out. and i said ridiculous stuffs to ahdi. he turned and stared at me. HAHAHA.
den me and huiyi kept saying hi leader to shuwei. i think huiyi totally pissed shuwei. till he ignored huiyi. hahahaha.
then went to town. ate at ichiban again. (anyway is there any ichiban membership going on? i think its v suitable for us.)
slacked at the lobby. then they finally came out.
kunda im so disappointed with you. how can you reacted so slowly! HURH. but i know you are still keen to ans me. hahaha
nonsense in between. we kept travelling between town and city.
went conrad. waited. mr wokeyi came out. i was mario-ing.
den i followed blindly behind, and continue to mario. hahaha
then the other two walked along too.
only when he think hes safe on the combi. he turned and did stuffs at us.
yah thanks ah.
den town AGAIN.
i think nowadays artistes are getting more n more lifeless. all return to hotel at 8pm and read story books?
even energy too lah!
i thought bat kut teh is their life pls.
then home. and no more sight seeing. cause we were being lazy and all.
sat- gerry called me up and said bout concert stuffs. so did you get to watch free concert? haha!
all in all - cmy= nv judge a book by its cover!
♥ Friday, April 06, 2007
monkey is back to bbt. completely better looking person. i think its because of the hair.
and he wore xiao yu's shirt. hahaha. so obvious.
they changed the 夢想號 into 上大號..
can you just weave how funny it is!
and i think liquan and yeshou's ai mei is damn funny also lah.
i miss 蔡貴霖... can he just come back. without him = no fun.
cmy = no life.
dont think by your simple waves can win our interest back.
we will just continue laughing our heart out at you.
a photo is simply not enough. HAHAHA.
side tracking.
we saw chinadolls today. =P
im serious ok.
bye. im going to watch bbt.
♥ Wednesday, April 04, 2007

it took me only 45mins to finish dling 4/02's bbt, the steph sun one, all thanks to bt 0.85! hahaha! i like the gujiguji dance! so dorky.
all thanks to caiminyou too. im going to plot against him and tego now. TEGO = SHIT
so he is TEGOSHIT.
cai min you is damn NO LIFE. i think he goes back to hotel and read his harry potter storybook at 7pm. and maybe a nanny pats him to sleep.
i so wanna eat pao fu.
♥ Tuesday, April 03, 2007
overwhelmed by the supp results sms!
i passed! the last few days i was totally traumatized!
my friends should know i repeatedly saying i think i will fail and all.
because i think i really felt that i will.
and when reb smsed me saying she received hers. i was anticipating for mine.
den after arnd 20mins 1 sms came in and its from an unknown no.
i literally covered the msg section. and i moved my thumb down slowly.
and i saw a P. I WAS OVERJOYED LAH. was smiling to myself actually. HAHA
alright congrats to wen also. she passed all her 3 supps. haha.
what about jas and jos leh?
im going to see caiminyou in another few hours time. i hope hes nice and all.
so maybe our plot will come in handy. HAHA JK.
♥ Sunday, April 01, 2007
just woke up not long ago. slept at 8am after i bathed and watch a lil' of 魔女幼熙; witch.
the show is coming out with climax. kjh is going to do away with his marriage and go after the witch.
he even kissed her in the lift. everything is so getting on track. HAHA.
oh went to the cemetery to tidy up ancestors' tombs and stuffs at arnd 3am. oh i didnt know good looking guys do work there too. i think hes really good looking although that time is the darkest period of the night and you might think i cant possibly see properly. hahaha.
this yr, at the hour we are going, it is already so packed! and jammed.
everything was done by 5am + so we went boon lay hawker/market or i dunno what to have breakfast. i know its damn early but so many of the stores are opened.
yes. the fact of getting poor is nearing me. it is getting more and more realistic.